USAdvantagePlans are defined membership benefit plans for the American Advantage Association.
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USAdvantage Plans is not a licensed pharmacy and does not dispense prescription drug medications. USAdvantage Plans is not offering medical advice nor recommending or endorsing any specific prescription drug or pharmacy. Before acting on the information presented on this website, users should consult the advice of a medical professional. The pharmacies identified are not affiliated with nor do they sponsor USAdvantage Plans. The pricing and other information presented is not guaranteed and is subject to change at the sole discretion of the pharmacy.
Pharmacy discounts are not insurance and are not intended as a substitute for insurance. The discount is only available at participating pharmacies.
This discount plan is not "A Medicare Prescription Drug Plan" This is NOT insurance. USAdvantage Plans is an American Advantage Association membership program. Membership in the USAdvantage Plans plan entitles members to discounts for certain pharmaceutical supplies, prescription drugs, or medical equipment and supplies offered by providers who have agreed to participate in the discount drug plan. The discount drug plan organization does not pay providers of pharmaceutical supplies, prescription drugs, and medical equipment and supplies provided to plan members. The discount drug plan member is required to pay for all pharmaceutical supplies. Discount Medical Plan Organization: VantageAmerica Solutions, Inc. 1275 Milwaukee Avenue, Glenview IL 60025
*Based on actual member transactions between January 1, 2017 - present